The treatment provided from Devine Healing Services is of a therapeutic nature only. It is not of a diagnostic or curative approach. The practitioner is not a medically licensed physician and therefore any suggestions and recommendations made by the practitioner are not a substitute for prompt medical attention. Clients should continue to see their health care provider and should not stop prescribed medications.
The practitioner provides no guarantee of the results from a treatment. The practitioner is not responsible for the misuse of suggestions and comments for the relief or lack of relief of symptoms. The practitioner accepts no responsibility for the clients once they leave the treatment rooms.
In no event should Devine Healing Service/Helen Court be liable to any person (s) for any loss or damage of any kind, which may occur as a result of the healing service (s) provided. By submitting themselves for treatment, clients acknowledge their own risk and understand and agree that they are prohibited from bringing any action at law or otherwise against Devine Healing Services/Helen Court for the consultations provided herein.
All information provided by the client will be strictly confidential.
Payment to be made for the service by cash only.